Legendary Team
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τsεxy wanna join L7!

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τsεxy wanna join L7! Empty τsεxy wanna join L7!

Mensaje  xKevin Sáb Oct 26, 2013 5:02 pm

τsεxy , K

Age: 14

Country: Germany

Character: Funky Kong

Vehicle: Bowser Bike

FC: 3912 6417 7775

Skype: light.private

Why you want to join L7? : L7 is a cool clan and the member´s are all pretty funny and u are a skilled clan and i will be a Member and wanna War everytime with you.

times at which you can play: Im not active in the Week cuz School. I´m pretty active in the Weekend. i can Play from 8h-17h at your time

Clanhistory: τeam skiller , Elegance , Nitro Nation Dashers , Game Player 7even , wiiZocker , storm of infinity.

link your last clan: I´m still a Leader from a Sub-Clan not more.  http://mkboards.com/forums/index.php/topic,2478.0.html


Mensajes : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 26/10/2013

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